EP011: Jeff Snyder on why coaching is not ‘Crazy Hippie’ stuff.


I met Jeff Snyder many years ago when I did my own pivot into Network Security from a straight networking position. I was really ‘stuck’ in making progress moving from one discipline (networking and plumbing of the network) to another discipline (security policy and implementation). Jeff gave me tips – unpaid and unbidden – that helped me shift my mindset and land my first consulting job that spanned what I knew (networking and VoIP) with what I wanted to do (Network Security). In the years that have passed since we first connected on LinkedIn, Jeff’s coaching practice has matured, and now he even has famous clients such as the producer of the Angle Free IT podcast. This episode is chock full of actionable changes we can make in our careers – defintely a must listen.

00:00 Intro to Jeff Snyder and Jeff’s Origin Story
04:30 The double sided coin of getting into security.
07:00 Phone interview skills and prep.
10:00 The ‘one’ trick for listening and answering a question without screwing yourself out of a good answer.
12:00 In person interview tricks (get a pen, pause to take notes – see 10:00 …)
17:00 Seek to ‘learn’ before you begin to ‘tell’.
20:00 Counteroffer advice.
27:00 What is a coach and how to find a good one.
34:00 Becoming a ‘Trusted Advisor’ vs ‘The Smartest Person in the Room’.
39:00 StrengthsFinder and why it might matter.
56:00 Coaching vs Motivation.

You can find Jeff at his website HERE.  I work with him and highly recommend him.  I know I have surveyed my audience and one common theme that came up again and again from more seior level people was : What now??  Jeff can help you with that.  I probably can too, but if you’re in his hyperniche of Sr -> Director or Director -> CxO, he’s your guy.

About the Author
Head cartographer and coach on the journey of all things Tech career, Creator and Host of Angle Free IT podcast, and main blogger on both the AnglfreeIT.com blog, forum and careermap.tech websites. Oh and I have a day job of Sr. SDN and DevOps consultant, Have a wife and kids, and run another sidegig too. Check out the podcast for more of my bio.

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